“Ernie teaches that we can have a conversation with our soul or ‘signature expression’ and that it lives within each of us. The key to having a relationship with it, is to consciously give it station in our lives. He proposes we are more than the limits set by our ego and that compassion for the self does indeed exist.”

A. Stratton

“I am awestruck at Ernie’s multidimensional awareness of humanity. His insights will reckon him as a psychological giant along with Carl Jung and Carl Rogers. One can extract from his teachings a life guide where someone can truly see their footprints in the snow.”

K.M. Ross

“Ernie assists others to find their way through the darkness of being absent in their lives to the light of self-knowledge and self-awareness. Moving from a place of fear, pain, and confusion to a place of wisdom, confidence, and wholeness is the best gift we can give ourselves. Ernie’s perspective gives us exactly that.”

K. Hudson

“Ernie has one intention, to help people in their lives! That’s a great thing. Especially those struggling with how they perceive themselves psychologically and spirituality. The beauty of his work is that it meets people where they are as they attempt to move forward.”

S. Andrew

“As a trauma psychologist, Ernie has worked with many people in emotional pain. He has an original and positive take on the human experience that liberates people from self-judgment while activating their heart as compass. Much is gained with only a little bit of exposure to his message and teachings.” 

R. Emmons
“Ernie takes you on a journey into the human spirit and how its suffering charts a course that needs everyone’s attention. Ultimately, we must learn that compassion, not only for ourselves, but for others is the ultimate goal.”

P. McCormick

Are you connected to the human compass?

If you’re having conversations with yourself that are pulling at the heart, this is your true compass, not the quality (ego) that is pushing. As this inner guidance attempts to point us in our truest direction, many people are understandably distracted by the friction of restricting and external emotional events. Not to worry. I’m here to introduce you to an inner intelligence that wants nothing more than to liberate your fullest expression.

Let’s look inward and find out!

Did you know that the human heart is a multifunctional device that is part engine and part homing beacon? You would think it would be our default autopilot as people try to live towards what they want. In truth, the ego’s feelings of lack (life as it is) often drown out the heart’s (life as intended) longing. What does the heart long for, you ask? It’s simple really, to be oriented (facing) towards what is pulling it. We tend to call this our true north. In the culture, most of us have a sense of what is pushing but very few of us know what’s actually pulling.

I’ve discovered that only the heart knows what truly works best in our lives. It’s our authentic compass. When consulting with it, the heart (more often than not) will tell us if we’re heading in the wrong direction. While the human ego might have the plan, it is our heart that knows the way.

This is why I created the Life Path Assessment exercise. It gives people an x-ray of their navigational abilities and offers a valid status report of its functioning. Someone can learn where they really are versus where they think they are. New wisdom on human suffering tells us that *our confusion is often around the difference between the two. Reach out to me if you want a free look at your inner life!

Welcome! I’m Ernie

Author, Trauma Psychologist and Mentor

I’ve been called a therapist’s therapist and new thought leader who offers contemporary wisdom on human suffering. My career spans three decades treating thousands of individuals undergoing severe trauma. What emerged is a reliable and healthy context for integrating your four biggest assets: soul, spirit, ego, and heart. Have you ever noticed that the soul and spirit of something are ALL there is of it? Sadly, for most people the relationship between these powerful human qualities is often out of awareness. Fortunately, once this symbiotic inner system becomes fully activated human beings discover an intentional, guiding, and evolving intelligence that stays available to them throughout their lifetime. Everyone reports that life just somehow becomes richer. I’m here to teach you the HOW!





Mentoring + Life as Intended (Heart) Guidance to Liberate Your Fullest Expression


I’ve spent three decades working with every form of human despair you can imagine before landing here. The insights and path to healing I’ve witnessed have been synthesized and condensed into 10 Absolute Truths that are lifechanging and guiding.



Feelings & Reason

Learn from a trauma psychologist the wisdom of real people challenged with the task of overcoming severe adversity. Integrating their insights into a complete picture of the human experience Ernie L. Vecchio reveals a developmental understanding of how adversity becomes an opportunity for self-correction, growth, and healing. By acknowledging that the human ego is only one-third of a larger system, people learn not only what is observing their life, but why and where it is intending for them to go. The problem is we’re stuck in between life as it is and life as intended with whatever the ego considers interference. But there is good news, a unifying intelligence within everyone that wants nothing more than to liberate our fullest expression. Bringing continuity to how this unfolds, we learn there are ten absolute truths of being human. The process begins with a logical and sensible path to emotional maturity – we are what happens first. All humans are spiritual beings born into a psychological world (first premise). You are human (second premise). Therefore, you are psychospiritual. In this context, giving station to what we are in the beginning means we no longer have to be at the mercy of a misguided ego. What follows is a reciprocal relationship with the self and all of life. More than reducing people to their strengths and weaknesses, Vecchio proposes that every human being is a hopeful expectation for the future. He reminds that the path forward has always been inward. Often called the road less traveled, he provides people with a pragmatic and reliable Map to Becoming.